Monday, July 15, 2013

Olympus Has Fallen (2013)

 "Sorry about the blog, sir."
"It's okay. I believe it's insured."

Lead Secret Service, Mike Bannings (Gerald Butler) traumatized by an event of failing to rescue the First lady, left his job for a desk job at the treasury. But when a group of North Korean terrorist, led by Kang Yeonsak (Rick Yune) attacks the White House and hold the persident of America (Aaron Echkhart) hostage, it's up Mike to get back into his game to rescue the president and save the people of America.
Even God (Morgan Freeman) can't help in this situation

Not bad of a film at all. Plenty of action and thrilling moments. But I didn't get all "OMG, how could this happen to America?!" because I can tell that they've downplayed the effectiveness of the government and the military to allow the terrorist to break into the White House and bring in their big guns. So, it did feel pretty unrealistic at times. So when Speaker called the White House the most secured and protected building in the world, I was like, "Really? you think so? You didn't even think of using the Hydra Six until it has fallen into enemy's hands." But anyway, a story got to be told.

Thanks for showing off the CG, director. This scene really takes its own sweet time to crumble.

Mike Banning is our new John McClane. He didn't have sarcastic one-liners, but when he was on the line with the terrorist baddie Kang, and they were both having a duel with words, it reminded me a lot of the banter between John McClane and Hans Gruber on the walkie talkie in the first Die Hard. Even the plot feels very similar in many ways to the original Die Hard movie. Just get John McClane to replace Mike Bannings and call the film "Die Hard 5: John Bless America", I'll be a much happy person because the Die Hard 5 we got was really pure crap. But overall, this film has really nothing much to showcase. The repercussion of having the White House taken over or having the president of America hostage, really have no impact on me. Now if you take over the Pentagon... and hold the world hostage. You'll have both my curiosity and attention.

"Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?"

What do I think of our actors? Aaron Eckhart would be the guy whom I don't mind voting to be president. I can imagine an alternate universe of the Dark Knight where Harvey Dent survived the ordeal with the joker in Gotham City and goes on running for presidency, and finally this is what we'll get, we can get Lucious Fox moving on from the CEO of Wayne Enterprises to working as the Speaker. Morgan Freeman is always amazing to watch and hear. Put him in anything and it'll work. He's like the dude who can play anybody without changing the way he acts or sounds. As for Gerald Butler, he's okay. I couldn't recognize him at first. His face seems to look more like your ordinary American fella in this film. He did well as our gun slinging, hand to hand combat hero, no character development there and I have no idea why did they make him all traumatize over the Christmas event which served no real purpose other than for our terrorist friend to bring it up and shove it at Mike's face for being a failure. The way Mike handled himself and the situation, I have no doubt he's going win in the end.


Overall, it's an okay film. It's not that bad of a film but there's really nothing interesting to showcase either. Mostly cheap thrills and straightforward action movie. I just hope the American folks have no fear of the Asian people from this film. And don't worry, America, if Hollywood teaches you anything, there will always be a hero to rise up to save the day. Not our Man of Steel though. I give this film a  5 out of 10 Hydra Six.

Rick Yune in Clark Kent's disguise

White House Down! I repeat, White House Down!

Comment below and tell me which you prefer: White House Down or Olympus Has Fallen?


Anonymous said...

Hi kang here again

Im a hardcore fan of ur blog. I agree totally with what u said. I thought the movie was rubbish but entertaining. I give 5.5 over 10. Many critics have said tht its very similiar to die hard as well.Anyway, I shall watch white house down this week and tell u which one i like better

Anonymous said...

I think olympus is slightly better. The script in white house down is below average but I liked the rapport of jamie foxx and the chaning tatoom. The script in olympus is only slightly better. In regards to the action, olympus action is more grittier and violent but in white house the action was shot more clearly.That sums up my thoughts. White house down I give 5.7 over 10. Olympus I give 6